
You can help right now!
Make a donation to THE PROGRAM

Your donation will be used to help us upgrade our computer lab, provide modular furniture, educational supplies and money to rebuild and bolster our reunited families. Your gift will offer encouragement for our staff and our clients. Help us demonstrate that our community cares about all of our citizens, even those who are justice-involved. Empowerment is created with building blocks made of encouragement. Please join us in encouraging and healing our community’s underserved families.


The PROGRAM utilizes PayPal’s secure online processing to accept contributions from generous donors like you! No PayPal account is needed to make donations to The PROGRAM using PayPal. Simply click below, enter your details and payment information and make your contribution today!


If donating in person is more your style, you are welcome to make a donation by mailing or dropping off your check or money order in person at our York office.